Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lying in front of somebody who knows that this is a lie. Exaggeration of my own opulence (in the Michael's car I said that I will consult my lawyer while I didn't had a lawyer)

* Having no plan of keeping my appearance reputation clean (my sister thinks that I am looser and already doesn't count my opinion, because I am look like looser)
* Having no stable income. I need at least $2,000 per month at the beginning
* Having no persistent English speaking environment. I can fulfill this goal by sharing the room with someone from foreign country (with someone for whom Russian isn't native, and who won't consider uncomfortable to express its thoughts in English always)
* No perspective of getting to English speaking countries soon

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Don't willing to take a shower, take care of hairs, teeths, don't shaving at all, etc

* Lack at dressing well

* Said to the seller in the mobil-element that she is stupid by saying that I would rather buy a camera for that price than buying a web-cam. Already saw this mistake when K7 said "sorry, but paying for tea $1 is too big cost"
** "Don't do" radical way to avoid this mistake:  Never say to consultant the reason why you don't like suggested product, it is understandable without words - just say "Thanks, no"
* Don't recognizing that I am complaining about my eyes and other different health things which can be not interesting for people around me (Adela said me about it)
* Giving the headsets not in hands, but putting them on the head of Adela (she didn't liked it)
* Lack of the disciplines
** "Don't do" radical way to avoid this mistake:  Be ready to sacrifice yourself for this deal
* Short fear, disappointments
** "Don't do" radical way to avoid this mistake: Never go outdoors later than 9 p.m. - walking at nights has really big negative emotional impact.
* Lack at following gospel principles
** Just follow it
* Becoming greed, not patient & not friendly to people
* Spending too much money. Having too much desires. Wishful thinking. Having no patience in staying calm with pleasures.
** "Don't do" radical way to avoid this mistake:  Be ready to sacrifice yourself for this deal
* Criticizing Adela
** "Don't do" radical way to avoid this mistake:  Be ready to sacrifice your wish of getting pleasure of criticizing somebody.
* Not being careful with talks on the phone (I could make call to mom in the hidden way)
* Feeling fear for our money which can be spent and for our lacking to getting to United States
* Forgetting some important actions to do which are urgent - like visiting the clinics (health), checking the mailbox for letters from U.S. and other tasks
* Lack at having a business (even not trying)
* Working on the computer when I have to go to bed (exchanging the discipline for ideas)
** "Don't do" radical way to avoid this mistake: The thoughts which I think really important right now (this is actually the thoughts which keep me doing this insane things) - if they are really important you will return to them tomorrow, so be easy at sacrificing ideas, because at the most times they aren't really valuable.
** Always wake up at the same early time, even if it is hard to do. Don't sleep throughout the day.

* Saying too often: "I don't care" when Adela or somebody else criticizes me.
* Don't earning and not saving money. Having no idea of how I am going to become rich anymore, because I am stuck in the ways of searching of how to earn $2,000. HOW I CAN EARN SUFFICIENT MONEY? Sometimes I even don't will to work
* Allowing the depression to win my excitement.
* Allowing myself to become angry and disrespectful
* Lack at eating - I eat too much, I eat unhealthy food, I spend VERY much money for HARMFUL food
* Living dirty, not organized, having no permanent necessary actions, not keeping home clean - all of this useful skills are exchanged for endless ideas, computer etc. No conservative thinking at all

Ideas to fix:
* Find out universal principles which can help me to fight with most of my failures - it could be great key which could keep my life managed. On universal key which keeps me out of this mistakes can make me perfect.
* There's always some main source of faults - if you will close this leak - most of my mistakes will disappear. Find the book which shows the way of getting rid of the most vulnerabilities of human brain which causes this faults. Again - this is all about being universal